Netapp Replace a failed drive : 7-Mode

Here at work we are dedicated Netapp zealots, so are fully bought into to Ontap. That said there are occasions when we need to replace a drive in a 7Mode appliance which give us all the shivers was we left this behind long ago. So here is a quick how to on what to do. For the uninitiated, simply replacing the failed drive is not enough in most cases as we have auto assign turned off. If the drive is not manually assigned to a controller, it will sit in the ‘un-owned’ state and will not be a spare for any aggregate.

Step1: Swap the drive
Complete the mechanics of the swap.

Step 2: Check the drive is seen. Do this on the controller you want the drive to belong to.

CONTROLLER1> disk show -n
  DISK       OWNER                    POOL   SERIAL NUMBER         HOME                    DR HOME
------------ -------------            -----  -------------         -------------           -------------
0b.01.9      Not Owned                  NONE   KZBMBNDR

Step 3: Assign to the controller, note I want it on CONTROLLER1

CONTROLLER1> disk assign 0b.01.9

Note that there are no reassuring ‘OK’ messages!

Step 4: Check there are no unowned drives

CONTROLLER1> disk show -n
disk show: No unassigned disks

Step 5: check it has become a spare (output clipped for brevity)

CONTROLLER1> vol status -s

Pool1 spare disks (empty)

Pool0 spare disks

RAID Disk       Device          HA  SHELF BAY CHAN Pool Type  RPM  Used (MB/blks)    Phys (MB/blks)
---------       ------          ------------- ---- ---- ---- ----- --------------    --------------
Spare disks for block checksum
spare           0b.01.9         0b    1   9   SA:B   0   SAS 10000 857000/1755136000 858483/1758174768

All looks good!

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